Facts are that I’m not really putting my heart and soul into this blog, but rather trying to perfect my newest invention, The Automatic Cheerleader Upskirt Television Recorder TIVO Device Thingie. It’s a working title for my newest creation that will once and for all prevent missing beauties like the USC Song Girl Megan’s fancy little twirl.
I’m way behind posting this but that’s the point of my new genius invention. Whether I’m home or not this little devil will be scouring the airwaves for the fruits of the perv cameraman everywhere. It might also make it so you can look for “Lee Corso is a penis” signs and other such greatness.

I’m good at haphazard and shoddy.
Enjoy it out there. Wish I were in your shoes. I think Jim from The Buckeye Blog is going to be out there as well. You guys should meet up and hold Buckeye BloggerCon 1.
I vote we all get together when they have the celebration in Columbus and have a Buckeye Blogger Convention.
Oh, and I just couldn't sleep that night. Usually I write my best stuff at 3am, but it's all accidental.
I'll send a stand-in/proxy since I'm in Dallas. Go Bucks
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